Monday 12 August 2013

Book Review - Underworld by Meg Cabot

So as I mentioned in my previous book review, Abandon, the first book in Meg Cabot's trilogy - I was going to go into reading this book with an open mind - I was going to forget about the negative points within the first book and be completely focused on this one. 

Pierce ends up being held in the Underworld - which John claims - is for her own safety and this is because not all of the departed are dear. Some are so unhappy with where they ended up after the underworld, they've ended up coming back as furies. The furies are intent one hurting the one who sent them there - and whom he loves. 

I had my fingers crossed for this book and I couldn't help but wonder if it would be better than Abandon even though I scolded myself for it - it couldn't help but sneak into my head but once I started reading it I noticed there were a few changes compared to Abandon and most of these were that all of the bad points which I mentioned in Abandon - weren't carried on into Underworld.
There was a direct plot which kept the flow of the story moving at a good pace and there was also a lot of twists and turns, excitement and drama which kept me interested and left me wanting to read more. 
You also find out a lot more about the side characters which I loved! It's not very often where the side characters would get their story told as in depth as this one provides - Pierce's cousin Alex for example - who in Abandon was a bit of a dark horse, he was very secretive and not really as involved - but in Underworld, you learn his story and he becomes a much more prominent character and I can;t wait to see what Awaken will bring out in him. But, one of the main things I loved about this book, was finding out Johns background! He was always so secretive and never talked about himself and if he did, it would be a few worded answers and that's all - but Mr. Smith - the wee devil provided Pierce with a book which contains enough information for her to figure out his background... cheeky. 

There was a lot more humour as well in this book which I liked - Abandon was very serious most of the time but in Underworld the characters aren't so strung - even though there is an impending danger the characters have the chance to show a bit of sarcasm and humour.

There was one aspect of the book I was a bit iffy on - and that was the romance in this book. I did like it in Abandon but it has evolved a bit in this book and it's mostly Pierce's part in it I didn't really like. She's too forgiving and I don't like it. I can understand that she may just not want to hurt John's feelings but your meant to be honest with each other in a relationship - she just butters him up and bubble wraps every negative thing she has to say. John, yes, is pretty violent and lies quite a lot but considering he is Lord of an Underworld you can understand why he might be violent and he lies because he clearly want's to protect Pierce from the dark sides of him and his world - but that doesn't mean she should just brush in under the carpet. 

Overall, this book was a vast improvement to Abandon - the plot was better, there was more excitement,  the side characters were really involved and it was better written. I will be purchasing Awaken when it comes out as I'm really intrigued as to how it will end :)

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