Wednesday 14 August 2013

Naked Face

This is a bit of a different post... this post is to show everyone who follows or looks at my blog that - I'm not perfect - no one's perfect.
Everyone is different and everyone has their own insecurities and things that they may not like about themselves - but there is no harm in embracing them and saying "yes I have these but do you know what? I'm me and I'm beautiful" because at the end of the day, are who you are and you look the way you look. There is no shame in not being the typical size 8 the majority of girls dream of being, there's nothing wrong with having freckles - 70 odd % of men like freckles! There's nothing wrong being pale - most people relate pale skin to purity -so embrace it!

So many girls and boys go to extreme measures because they aren't happy with how they look and the amount of pressure that is put on them is shocking! Magazines, TV shows - even through their own friends and family and lets not forget social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. 

With that being said - I'm in no way perfect, there are some things I like about myself and some things I don't - so what I have decided to do - which is kind of similar to the tag that was going around Youtube for a while - my perfect imperfections - but for bloggers -here's what you do
1. I'm going to list 3 things I like and don't like about myself and explain why
2. I'll then post a picture of my "naked face" 
3. I'm then going to tag some people to do it themselves to help spread the word! 
3 Things I like about myself
1. I like my eyes - i like them because they're green and green eyes are the rarest eye colour besides red, only 4% of the world's population has green eyes.
2. I like my hair - my hair is pretty long and is black which means it's super fun to experiment with different hairstyles 
3. I like my body shape - I'm a UK size 10-12 so I wouldn't say I'm skinny but I'm not overweight - I'm somewhere in the middle - I like my body shape because I have decent amount of boobs and bum and I'm quite curvy.

3 Things I dislike about Myself
1. I don't like my skin colour - I am super pale. I don't like this because most of the time I literally can;t find a foundation to match my skin tone and because I have black hair I end up looking like death lol
2. I don't like my freckles - this is because they're everywhere on my face and hardly any on my body. I wouldn't mind if they were the cute dark ones
3. I don't like my teeth - this is because I didn't wear my retainer! I had braces in high school and didn't wear my retainer when I got the braces off so now some of my teeth have moved - granted they aren't as bad as they were before I got the braces but still - I'm very self conscious about them

Now for the scary part... my naked face (excuse the weird face I pulled)

I would like to tag...
And anyone else who'd like to take part! Don't feel pressured to do so though :)

Pass it on and share the word! :)