Friday 20 September 2013

Officially, No Longer a Teenager (ramble)

Well, it's officially my birthday and I'm no longer a teenager (scary) haha. 20 years old - it's weird to think I've been on this planet for twenty years - but hey. who's counting :)
As I get older - what I want in my future gets even more clearer and I know what I have to do in order to get there - which a few years ago, I didn't - so it's nice to have that new clarity - but as my mum always says, I need to act my age and I will - just not yet :D 
One of the downers of today is that - I'm up before everyone else so I won't get my presents until I'm home (sad face) I hope there's cake... anyways, I hope you's all have a great day!

Rachel x