Saturday 21 September 2013

What I got for My Birthday :)

I know a lot of people don't like these posts because they think the person is showing off - but I am in no way showing off or trying to make myself look good or whatever - I decided to do this because I myself love watching/ reading these types of posts so.. I hope you like :)

First off I got money from my family members - which I didn't really need to take a picture of because it's pretty self explanatory and my sister got me the Jungle Book :D

My Boyfriend got me -

This bag came with the Katy Perry Perfume


  1. I love these types of posts, so no worries! How are you liking Katy Perry's perfume??! You got a lot of fun stuff!

    1. Haha that's okay :) I love it! I have her Meow perfume and I thought it would've been pretty similar in the sense that it would've been sweet - but it actually wasn't all that sweet so I really like it! :)
