Thursday 10 October 2013

My Make-up Storage/Set-up

So I've been debating doing a blog post like this for a while now, mostly because I haven't been 100% happy with it and I'm still not, but I figured that it's going to take a while for me to get the set-up I really like so I might as well give you all a general idea of what way I set up my make-up. 
I've seen a lot of Youtubers rave about the acrylic cases you can buy and use to store your make-up in, so I new I had to get them. I ordered mine from MUJI - Muji is great for all different kind of storage, especially if you don't want to splurge on acrylic storage which is that bit more expensive but anyway. I bought three items from Muji which were;
- Acrylic Box with 2 drawers and a flip top lid - £8.50
- Acrylic Box 2 drawers, wide - £10.95
- Acrylic 5 drawer box - £24.95
All of which you can see below :)

I didn't organise it in a particular order - I was just going in order from top to bottom in what I would apply first onto my face. 
This drawer contains all my liner and mascaras. It also has some random tools and eyelash glue
This drawer is for my go-to eyeshadows which I would use on a daily basis
This drawer also contains some of my more popular eyeshadows which I would use regularly 
This drawer contains the eyeshadows that I don't use all that much - its pretty abandoned lol

This drawer contains all of my concealers, eyebrow tools and some product samples

This drawer is my Favourite lol it contains all of my glosses, liquid lipsticks etc and is the most colourful, which I love 

This drawer is sort of miscellaneous. It has random bits and bobs of everything and some products which I haven't used yet 

This drawer contains all of my bronzers
And this drawer contains all of blushers and highlighter

That was all of my acrylic drawers and what I have in them. Beside it is where I keep my lipsticks, brushes and palettes which you can see below

 My lipsticks are being held in a 24 clear acrylic lipstick holder which I got off ebay
As you can probably tell, I haven't included my foundations or powders - that's because I don't have anywhere to store them as of yet, they're just sitting on the floor beside my unit. When I do have some type of storage for them, I will do a post showing them :)

I hope you liked this post! :)


  1. Thanks for lovely compliment :)
    I'm glad you did this post, I love storage posts ^^
    I really wanna get those MUJI boxes as well - I have so much stuff but nowhere to put it all! :P xx

    1. Your welcome!
      They're really good, I'm glad I finally caved in and bought them! haha x

  2. Wow!! I love your makeup collections.
    Thank you for sharing this..
    I really need to get myself those muji drawers too and hopefully I can share mine too.
    Btw I just followed you on bloglovin adn on your GFC.
    I really do hope that you want to follow me back on both.
    Thank you so much.
    Sincerely Renny

    1. Thank you! I know mine is quite pitiful compared to other but I'm glad you liked it!
      And I will indeed thank you! :)

  3. Rachel! How have you been? How is school? Its been awhile!! And I'm still laughing at your comment on my post lol :) I love these acrylic drawers! I think I'm going to cave and buy a few of these too. I want to have my makeup collection better stored by Christmas/my birthday. These have become so popular!

    1. I've been well thank you! And its going really well, I'm learning so much it's actually surreal :) haha I liked it to, thank's to Madagascar ;) and you should especially because they're stackable as well they don't take up too much room :)

  4. Oh wow your storage looks amazing!!! I'm very jealous :))) I've always wanted muji storage xx

    1. Thank you! I have nowhere for my foundations yet though haha they are really good, kind've expensive but deffo worth it :)
