Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Liebster Award #2

First off I would like to than Ana for nominating me, I really appreciate it and go check out her blog http://xoxocitygirl.blogspot.pt/ :) this is also my second nomination, if you want to check out my first post on this click here
This is an award designed to give bloggers with under 200 followers some exposure for their hard work in creating and writing blog posts so let's get started.

Ana's Questions
1. Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog mostly to get my opinion out there. I love to read and watch people sharing their opinion on different things like clothes, make-up, books etc. so I thought why shouldn't I. I have an opinion about most things so I figured it would be fun and help me meet knew people in the process
2. If you had to change your first name what would you change it to?
This is tricky, I'm pretty fussy with names.. I don't know what I'd change it to, it'd be different and unique though haha
3. Do you like to go out or stay in?
It really depends what mood I'm in. I love to go out but I love to stick my nose in a book and snuggle up and bed
4. What are you most thankful for in 2013?
Having my family and getting the opportunity to study what I love
5. How many languages do you speak?
Well English obviously but I studied Spanish in school, so 2 I guess
6. Do you have any pets? What are their names?
My house has a few pets but mine specifically is a cat and she's called cookie :)
7. What has been the most terrifying moment in your life and why?
Hmm.. I can't say I've suffered a terrifying moment before - the scariest was when I was in an accident and had to get taken to A&E
8. Do you remember you first blog? What was it about?
I do indeed haha it was a quick intro into what my blog would consist of and that I hoped everyone liked and enjoyed it!
9. What's your favourite TV show of all time?
The Big Bang Theory
10. What's your favourite holiday and why?
I love Christmas - mostly because I love the atmosphere when it starts to come up, people are more friendly, grateful and happy
11. What are the best and worst things about blogging?
I love being able to get my opinion across - but it's kinda pants when no one acknowledges it lol

I would like to nominate;
And whoever else would like to do it!

My questions for yous..
1.Why did you start your blog?
2. What's your dream career and why?
. 3. What's your favourite season and why?
4. Christmas or Halloween?
5. If you could choose to be a celebrity for a day, who would it be?
6. What's your favourite winter drink?
7. Who's your biggest inspiration and why?
8. Would you prefer to stay in with a good book, or a movie?
9. Where's the one place you'd love to visit?
10. What's your favourite animal?
11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Thank you again Ana for nominating me and make sure to check out the blogs which I nominated! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much girly!! I'll get mine up tonight :) love Big Bang theory!!
