Friday 18 July 2014

My Summer Essentials/Tips

We all know that once June hits, everyone goes a bit summer mad, and living in Ireland, it's pretty hilarious to watch and see. The majority of people here don't protect their sun when out in it, and to be honest I don't really blame them because, we don't get a lot of it - but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful with what you wear, and what you put on your skin. 

And for me, being so pale and only having a tendency to burn, it is very important - so here are my...
Summer Essentials/Tips

1. Some Form of Sun Protection
The reason why I didn't write sunscreen was because you can have SPF in a number of different products, such as your foundation, primer and even moisturiser - I will admit though, that it is pretty difficult to find a product of these that have SPF, they are pretty limited but with that being said, it doesn't mean you shouldn't look. The product I use on a daily basis is my Simple Kind to Skin Illuminating Radiance Cream (SPF 15). I love this product and I would use it nearly everyday as a primer for my foundation - it just gives such a nice and healthy glow to your skin without making it look shiny.

2. Appropriate Clothing
This breaks my heart saying this... *deep breath*.. but black during the summer for me, is a big no no. As I'm sure you's know, black attracts and white reflects heat, and for me personally, when I get too warm I tend to feel physically sick, crazy right? But not even that, black is just an incredibly dark colour and is far better suited during the winter because in summer everything is bright and colourful, and so should my clothes. Although in saying that, a small part of black is okay, like just say a crop top or vest, I wouldn't advise black skinny jeans or something like that. But from now on during the summer I intend to wear bright, colourful clothes that really emphasise the season such as; yellow, green, sky blue, lilac, pink and white etc etc. and even just really bold and colourful prints or floral print clothes.
Clothing that is too tight is also a no no, I want my skin to be able to breath, I don't want to drown in my own fluids :) so nice loosely fitted jeans, shorts, skirts, wavy tops etc are all in my wardrobe

3. No Make-up Make-up
The worst thing that could happen during summer, is your face melting off. So light make-up is one my most important essential for summer and in order to achieve this, I use my Bourjois Happy Light foundation along with a beauty blender. I love this foundation in general, but in summer it's just my holy grail, this is because the foundation is incredibly light feeling on your skin (clues in the name) and gives really good coverage even with only one application. Its also very luminous and gives a really nice glow to your skin. Using this product with the beauty blender also means that you don't use nearly as much as you usually would as a little goes a long way and the beauty blender really helps to cover all of your face and blend it really well :)
Excuse the dirty beauty blender haha, it's being washed today :)

4. Hydration
Staying hydrated is key to having good skin, and during the summer we all know that sweat tends to just come out of everywhere, which dehydrates your body and your face, so staying hydrated is super important and you can do this by drinking water or using skin products that are designed to rehydrate your skin. I'm not a big lover of water I'll admit, the only way I can drink it is if it's flavoured or with diluted juice, but I have discovered a product which I am in love with and is really good and rehydrated my face even over my make-up and it is the Simple Kind to Skin Moisture Boost Hydro Mist. I would definitely recommend this product, and as it's decently sized I can carry it with me in my bag :)

I hope you like this post :) If you have any questions then drop me a comment

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