Friday 18 July 2014

The World Skills Competition

The World Skills is a competiton that is held all over the UK covering a number of different courses/areas - there are two entries into the competiton, Level 2 and Level 3, and two people from each level from each different course is nominated and entered into the competition... I was nominated for this by my two lecturers along with another girl from my class for the Northern Ireland Level 2 Beauty Therapy heats which was being held in the Beauty Salon of Belfast Met at the Titanic Quarter in Belfast. 
Altogether including myself there were five girls, which I was a bit shocked at as I thought there would have been more competing, but sure, that made it worse as it meant they had more time to watch and scrutinise.

We had to complete a Half Leg Wax in 30 minutes, an Evening Make-up Application (with false eyelashes) in 60 minutes and a Mini Manicure in 30 minutes. I was most worried about the manicure, as it is very precice in the way that they don't want you to flood the cuticle but they want you leave the tiniest gap imaginable around it to make it look professional, plus I have shaky hands so I was just buggered lol.

I think it's fair to say that I was pretty much the most terrified, nervous and grateful person there. I personally, don't do well being put under pressure, yes it makes me work faster but I'm then more prone to mistake and as I said before, I have shaky hands so being under that much scutiny  while trying my best to stop my hands from shaking was pretty difficult. Though I will say that I am grateful for my leacurers in entering me into the competition, it was a great experience and if I can work under that kind of pressure I can work anywhere haha.  

I am proud to announce though that I came in Third Place or the Northern Ireland Heats - which I was so not expecting, but I am grateful for the experience :)


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